
Thank You Offers

Thank You Offers

Are you operating an e-commerce site or generating leads? Instead of sending your customers to a lifeless confirmation page , show them your gratitude by suggesting additional products and services of interest! AdMedia's exclusive ThankYouOffer monetizes politeness like never before!

Revitalize the Check Out Process!

When customers complete a transaction on your site, you redirect them to another page that expresses your appreciation for their time and money. AdMedia's ThankYouOffer gives you the opportunity to make even more revenue through the use of carefully selected advertisements. ThankYouOffer widgets present several intriguing sponsored links from well known brands.

The ads are pre-selected, as opposed to contextually based. This means there are no awkward phrases pulled from whatever keyword happens to be on the page. The widgets contain images for a professional presentation along with search bars. These handy tools allow for extensive navigation without bouncing from your site. Of course, you have the ability to block or restrict ads that you don't want associated with your site.

Fast Implementation

Get started in a matter of minutes! All you have to do to join the AdMedia network is fill out a Publisher application form. Upon approval, copy and paste the ThankYouOffer JavaScript code on the proper place, such as your lead generation form or check out page. After that's done, the ads will be live and your commission checks will start rolling in. You'll receive a payment every month based on the amount of traffic and the Advertisers' bids. AdMedia partners with ClickForensics to eliminate any and all click fraud concerns.

AdMedia Services & Resources

local online advertising || interstitial ads || local pages || re-targeting || contextual affiliate || overlay ads || online advertising market || in text advertising

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